
ambulance 1

just survived 24 hrs without the internet working on my laptop and eating semi-cooking chicken. and you know what? i think i'm a better person for it!
jokes aside, i've finally stopped only listening to The Smiths and rap, only just though.
went on a post-loan/january sales shopping spree on Tuesday, pretty happy with what I got:
Mirror Noir - Arcade Fire
An Evening with Saddle Creek
Lords of Dogtown
Inside the Smiths.
Barr - Summary.

Inside the smiths has to be the worst music documentary i've seen, think the budget was about £5, half the interviews consist of an interviewer and camera man walking round Reading Festival with the aim of bumping into relevant bands and asking them about The Smiths, they find The Kaiser Cheifs + Preston from The Ordinary Boys, needless to say I was dissapointed.
All in all though, my total came to £30 which is niiiiice.

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