
where the party at?

had a sweet weekend in the middle of no where/North Yorkshire being countryside with some bro's. going from Manchester where I have to travel for a maximum of 15 minutes to be anywhere I want to having to walk for miles to get to the nearest shop was very refreshing, as was being without the internet.
anyway, here's some mixes i've made for some friends for their birthdays, none of them are perfect but they're all pretty nice.
This one goes from electronic stuff to more traditional indie rock.
This one goes in the opposite direction.
Mainly Brainfeeder Nosaj Thing, Flying Lotus type stuff.

Tracklists are included in the .zip files.



someone set up a blog slating all 'mad'chester revival called FUC251 (a parody of Peter Hook & co.'s new club named - FAC251) and was essentially calling the shots on why people should let that period of history die instead of creating endless amounts of embarrassing imitations of it. For some reason it's now been taken down :(
This is sad because it was such an honest piece of work, how can Manchester create fresh and new music if it's too busy picking over the corpse of its heyday. Egyptian Hip Hop are doing pretty well for themselves but it's hard to see them doing something that really moves me.
However there is this man:

Illum Sphere.

He's giving away an offcut from his forthcoming album on his (amazing) club night's blog HERE.
or if you're lazy here's the mp3: AGENT WHITE.

when it hits, you feel no pain.

i've been listening to so little guitar music recently, music that i've spent the majority of my life listening to. I now tend to listen to a lot of rap, glitch-hop and hipstep.
i'm really not sure why, sure i've gotten a bit bored of certain genres - sonically and socially. but I know that almost every genre has some genius to it or someone making genius music within it's confines (or more often outside of its constrictions).
I think it's mainly because i've been feeling depressed recently (boo fucking hoo) for no reason especially and music built from samples and raps often has a much more positive, less self pitying viewpoint which is refreshing, not to say i've recently turned over a rock and found something completely new that i'm just getting into... i've been listening to this kind of stuff for as long as I can remember, i just do it more now.
I've been listening to a lot of mixes too, here are the best:

also i love how easy it is to remind myself i'm living a lifestyle I would have dreamed about less than a year ago.

a really really dark blog post

dont know if i can be arsed to write/post it.

'it's very easy to say he's in a better place... but I personally just wanna be selfish enough to say I wish he was still here'

an inspiration, a genius and fast becoming a legend.


we are the swarm

one of the reasons Wu-Tang (and the Killer Bees) are one of (if not THE) best rap collective of all time is the fact whilst the always seem to be pushing boundaries and trying new sounds, they always keep the style that makes them so great in the first place. Not a lot of bands can progress in this way, I mean look at The Horrors: to have any kind of critical or commercial success on their second album they had to change their sound completely... nice.

latest disgrace

sorry, but i feel if i don't mention Illum Sphere soon i'll have missed the bus. i've been going to his club nights and watching him for over 3 months now. essentially the best thing coming out of manchester that i can remember (sorry i choose to erase all man/madchester revival from my memory) a bright hope, the future.
if this guy isn't for real i don't know what is, he also runs the best club night in manchester
not to be confused with the most fun ... juicy.


'i am the third revelation, i told you i would eat you'

the best acting i think i've ever seen, makes everything else look kinda wooden.

greenwood's score is obviously painfully expressive too.